Have you ever tried to do a fast draft session with Candy Havens? That girl is a slave driver! She demands that you write! No excuses, no giving up, just write. This is my second attempt at it with Candy and I must admit it challenges me to reach to meet the goal I set at the beginning of the session. Having someone to answer to makes it all the more compelling to get in there and write. Reporting to the FastDraft Chat loop, keeps your feet to the fire. Have you tried one of Candy's fast draft sessions? If you haven't, it's time you did. I have 31 pages complete of my new wip and hope to complete the first draft during this two week session. How about you? How do you entice yourself to write?
No, I haven't tried this. Sounds quite challenging! Good luck.
It is challenging! Good work, Scarlet!
I'm on her loop, but I've never tried it. Good luck! You go!
I haven't tried it but I think it must be great...free flowing mind, fast fingers and all. Good luck!
Ladies, you haven't lived until you make it through one of Candy's fast draft sessions! Maybe we could try to do the next on as a group! Edie, you should try it, especially since you're already on the loop!
Wonder if I could meet the challenge. I'm resting on my laurels after finishing my last manuscript, but soon must get going again.