Do you have Spring Fever?
Some folks get the urge to do spring cleaning. Everything must be spic 'n span.(also the name of an old cleaner) For Mama it came about the time we could open windows and let the fresh air inside. The problem was, Ma would use strong cleaners and we couldn't close the durn windows without breathing in the chemical fumes. (In the dark ages cleaners were strong enough to burn the hairs in your nose, if you had any. (ammonia and Pine Sol!))
We aired out the mattresses and, of course, the longer they aired the better. Every curtain in the house had to be washed, starched, line dried outside and ironed. (Spring in middle Georgia brings cool mornings, warn and balmy afternoons, and blooming flowers and budding trees. (Can you say allergies?) All wash was line dried when weather permitted.
By evenin' the air cooled. The fumes remained. That was the excuse my parents gave us kids for leaving the windows open and fans blowing frigid air.
For me Spring Fever brings the lazies. No baseball games or soccer for me! Spring cleaning? Bite your tongue!
Do you have Spring Fever? Have you recovered for this year? How did it effect you?

I never really got spring fever. Although I am itching to throw open the windows in my bedroom and clean the room. Maybe even rearrange it. And I really do need to clean out the closet. Hmmm. Looks like I do have some cleaning to do.
I need to clean, I just don't like to!
I get more energetic in spring, but more for writing and walks, etc. Not so much cleaning.
I think it's because the sun is up earlier and sets later. My internal clock says I can work longer hours too.
Spring cleaning? Torment!
This year I've been doing spring sorting, though. The house is so full of stuff accumulated over the years that I've started THROWING THINGS AWAY.
It feels SOOOOO good.
Spring cleaning? You must be kidding. When would I find the time. But if you have some extra fever I am ready to help you get rid of it. Want to come to my place and spend it? LOL
Mary this reminds me so much of my childhood! All mammas and grandmammas in Georgia must have employed the same rituals! Yep, I can see those curtains billowing on the crisp spring air!
Ain't no spring here darn it. I wish there was. I miss the change of seasons, the spring flowers and the feel of renewal is one of my favorite.
So since we don't have spring, I am with Mona, I don't do spring cleaning.
It's good to know I'm not alone. If I don't see dust or stuff, it isn't there.
In Sunny Florida there is a difference between winter weather and summer weather, just not a lot of weather in between. I enjoy the change into summer. Hot during the day but great evenings... The change doesn't inspire me to clean but as Memorial Day is approaching I smile and think of the old-fashioned concept of bringing out the white clothes and shoes. Here it's year round...
Nothing spurs me on to spring cleaning more than when we have a house exchange. The thought of someone else staying in my house without all my cabinets organized, linens washed, etc. is not an option for me.