Are you experiencing dry patches on your skin?

1. Drink more water. most of us are not getting drinking enough water daily and that can cause dry and dull skin.

2. Exfoliate twice weekly. The skin which is exposed on us is already dead skin, just waiting to come off. As time goes on, more skin cells are added up underneath the top dead skin cells and the top layer is dry. If that skin stays on, the top layers become flatter and thinner. This creates dull, lifeless looking skin. Exfoliation removes the dull, dry cells on top of our skin and lets the rosy, fresher newer cells come to the top to start the process all over again.

3. Use sunscreen daily. Most people do not realize that over 90% of the UV light emitted from our sun is UVA rays. For years we have all been told about the tanning rays and burning, SPF factors. UVA rays will initially give you a little red color and then disappear. You don't tan or burn from UVA rays, yet they are the worst. UVA ages us, and it is just as strong in the winter as in the summer. UVA rays come through windows, so being indoors won't stop the damage. UVA are the long distance rays that travel all the way down into the dermis, causing damage.

Do you remember when soap and water were beauty products? I grew up using Dial soap because my parents bought it. I had good skin, too. Ponds Cold Cream was a luxury for some ladies who still swear by it. I know one of my relatives used it because my aunt and I played with the jars in our arbor playhouse in the country in Mississippi in the 1940's and '50's. I do know my mama and grandmama couldn't afford it.

Some women my age are passionate about their Dove soap and Oil of Olay and have been forever, as have their mamas before them. Again, these would have been luxuries for our family.

Some women, even models, swear by Preparation H and they aren't using it on their bottoms.

Today there are so many skin care products that we can become confused, if we don't already have our own favorites.

Though some ladies use Vaseline or olive oil to moisturize, it's not recommended by skincare experts.

A few suggestions.
Avoid products that contain alcohol because they are likely drying. If your skin is oily, you don't help matters by taking the oil your skin loves.

Avoid glopping heavy creams on your skin if it's dry. It will just become drier. Hydrate your skin with water. Splash it on your face and let it soak in, Then use a small amount of light moisturizer and let it soak into your skin. You may add thin coats, 2 0r 3, until your skin feels soft and smooth. If you put a dollop of lotion in the palms of your hands, it will warm and spread more evenly.

Some cosmetic brands make a refreshing spray for your face.

Washing your face in hot water or cold water will just irritate your skin.

Read labels and watch for products your skin doesn't like. You should recognize some of them by now. Fragrances can be the worst offenders.

Take your vitamins and don't skimp on E and A and C. Drink lots of water.

Liquid or creme foundations ofter offer moisturizers to protect skin from wind and cold weather. Moisturize or hydrate, don't add oils to your skin.

What would you like to know about winterizing your skin?


  1. Edie Ramer // January 3, 2009 at 9:35 AM  

    Great tips! I don't know why manufacturers put them in moisturizers and face creams. They must know it's not good. And there are people like me, who are bothered by the scents and search to find fragrance-free products.

  2. Anonymous // January 3, 2009 at 10:16 AM  

    Great tips.

    Ponds - I have used it for years to clean make-up off my face.

    I keep lotion by my shower. When I get out and after I dry, I put my lotion on then. I don't know if most people realize that you need moisture on your skin before you put the lotion on.

    Sunscreen - I look for make-up with a 15 or great SPF. Every little bit helps.

    Soap - I have dry skin. Some soaps seem to make that condition worse (Irish Spring? Smells great, but I scratch all day). I use liquid soap (no bars) and usually something with a moisturizer in it (Oil of Olay, Caress, etc). Maybe it's all psychological, but it helps.

    as far as lotions, I have not found that the more expensive the lotion, the better.

    Personally, I have great skin, but I can't take credit. It's genetics!

  3. Donnell Ann Bell // January 3, 2009 at 11:26 AM  

    Mary, this is great advice. I see a pattern here. Water. I've noticed that some of the sunscreens are oily. Do you use anything in particular? I'm so fair complected I have to wear sun screen, particularly when walking. Do you use these hydrating spray, and you're right, you have beautiful skin!

  4. Scarlet Pumpernickel // January 3, 2009 at 1:54 PM  

    My daughter is an asthetician at a resort spa. Her specialty is skin care! I'll ask her for a few tips to go with your excellant advice!


  5. Pamela Varnado // January 3, 2009 at 3:19 PM  

    My skin and I thank you for the advice. Can't wait to soak in a tub tonight and try your advice

  6. Mary Ricksen // January 3, 2009 at 3:40 PM  

    I wouldn't mind if you had tips for the entire body. I do know that drinking lots of water sure does a body good. What products do you suggest that are easy to buy?

  7. Mary Marvella // January 3, 2009 at 10:22 PM  

    Edie, if a soap or skincare product or cosmetic product has a scent, I don't use it. Nice fragrances can make up for the natural yucky fragrance of a product's ingredients.

  8. Mary Marvella // January 3, 2009 at 10:28 PM  

    Ponds is another old faithful product.

    You'll laugh, but I often use a warm wet cloth to remove my makeup. Oil based makeup sometimes needs more, like the creme in Ponds.

    I can't use most sunscreens.

    Jergens and Dove have fragrance free or unscented versions I love.

    Those products are wonderful for most people. It's not psychological.

    Folks tell me i have good skin, but for me less is better. My parents did, too.

  9. Mary Marvella // January 3, 2009 at 10:38 PM  

    I use only products I sell. (GRIN)
    I sell only products I can use because my skin is sensitive.

    Cyndi is the one with great skin!

    I use a Micro-Derm creme scrub. and a lotions with a light Alpha Hydroxy Acid.

    I also use an anti wrinkle creme and a PepTox Radience serum.

    Peptides are in a lot of newer products.

  10. Mary Marvella // January 3, 2009 at 10:49 PM  

    Mary, we all know water is good for our skin and alcoholic beverages and smoking are both BAD for our skin.

    Gentle bath soaps or washes work well for most people. As much as I love hot baths and showers, extremely hot water will dry skin.

    I use a wash with chamomile and Dove and Jergens unscented soaps for baths and showers. Using a bath cloth is good for exfoliation. Some washes have Apha Hydroxy acids and include scrub particles. The small the particle, the better.

    For dry skin, add milk to your bath water, whole milk.

    Bath oils are nice but stay on the top of your skin. Blot your body dry instead of rubbing the oil and water off.

    Cyndi was right. Lotion while you're still wet and warm.

    Are we at the TMI stage yet? I could go on for ages.

  11. Josie // January 4, 2009 at 9:16 AM  

    My mom has used Ponds for years. She is almost 80, and her skin is still beautiful. Thanks for the tips.

  12. Mona Risk // January 4, 2009 at 7:44 PM  

    Graet post Mary. My aunt used Pond cream and Oil of Olay and was envied for her ageless skin. I use them on and off. I can only use fragrance-free products if I don't want to develop immediate eye-rash. I just discovered that sunscreen is a must in Florida, the state with the highest percentage of skin cancer.

  13. Mary Marvella // January 4, 2009 at 10:55 PM  

    Thanks for the comments, ladies. Each of us must find what works and keep doing it. Moisturized skin always looks better and makes you look younger. Remember deodorant soaps aren't intended for your face.