Do you have a list of things you plan to do when you have plenty of money?
One thing I will do is restore my first car, my 64 1/2 Mustang. It was the first car I would drive and I bought it so I could drive to work out in the country near Lawrenceville, Ga.
I still have it! It took me to Boston, Mass and Mexico, Missouri and back to Georgia!
It was called prairie bronze and this is close to the real color. Toni Sweeney saw it when it was newer and beautiful!
What will you do when you have plenty of money?

LOL. I'm not planning on plenty of money, so I guess what to do with it will come as a surprise. ;)
I will give a big part to charity. I can't imagine indulging in luxury when children in some countries are literally dying of hunger and too many diseases.
Babara, is there one thing you don't permit yourself that you would get or do if money was not an issue?
Mona, what one thing would you do for your kids or grand kids if money was not an issue?
Barbara and Mona,
I agree with you both!
Sounds like you ladies don't have one big thing you keep putting off doing for yourself because other things are more important.