Many romance blogs post pictures of sexy men, mine included! Bianca’s Blog. I’m thinking about Man Candy Monday, but there are others. Which brought me to consider what I think is sexy and about my definition of handsome. My taste in men is very refined. I like sleek, sophisticated, svelte men with power. Most of my heroes are that kind of man.

Morgan D’Arcy in Sinners Opera is a classical pianist, a British Lord and a vampire. Unfortunately, I can’t post a picture of Morgan, because I have never seen anyone who looks like I imagine him.

Cam-ael in Celestial Sin is an angel of the Order of the Powers, the first angels created who patrol the border between Heaven and Hell, and thwart the efforts of demons. This is the way I picture him. Celestial Sin is available from The Wild Rose Press, The Wilder Catalog.

Damian Xeres in Hot Spanish Nights is a master equerry, a rejoneador and the heir to a sherry dynasty. Here is Damian:

In my WIP, working title Gemini Rising, the hero is different than my norm. He is heir to a title, but he is not as forceful as the others. One thing, he is young, only 18 years old when the story opens and 25 by the end. Alain and Alina are identical twins—brother and sister (and yes, I know this isn’t possible but it is in another dimension!). So Alain is a bit more androgynous.

Now, for the real world, I think Travis Fimmel is gorgeous, and he is as close to looking like Morgan as I have found. That's why I included his picture above.

But I have always been in love with Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David—Edward VIII, who abdicated to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson.

In the film, The King’s Speech, Edward (or David as the family called him) was played by Guy Pearce. While he looks a lot like the Duke of Windsor, another actor in the movie Wallis and Edward resembles the once-King more.

His name is Stephen Campbell Moore, and he is my idea of handsome, which is also my idea of sexy. A friend said he was too pretty for her, but well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And maybe his resemblance to a man I have loved since I was a teenager has something to do with my predelication.

And finally I leave you with a picture of the Duke of Windsor, who, by the way, was only 5’5” tall. If I could have beaten Wallis Simpson (I am an American divorcee) to the finish line, I would have been 4” taller than he!


  1. Mary Ricksen // July 1, 2011 at 12:54 PM  

    I find your taste in men to be right on Linda! But I don't mind a dark haired sexy one, like Gerard Butler.
    But since we are looking at blond men. I'll take Josh Halloway any day!

  2. Josie // July 1, 2011 at 1:06 PM  

    Fun pictures, Linda. Love all the pics, especially the Duke of Windsor. :)

  3. Beth Trissel // July 1, 2011 at 2:09 PM  

    What a fascinating post. I much enjoyed envisioning these wonderful men through your words and images. How interesting about the Duke of Windsor.

  4. Nightingale // July 1, 2011 at 2:11 PM  

    Thanks Mary and Josie! I'm currently reading the Duke of Windsor's memoirs called A King's Story. It's really a fascinating look at royalty from one of their perspectives.

  5. Nightingale // July 1, 2011 at 2:12 PM  

    Beth, glad you enjoyed the pix. Question: Did anyone think Alain (the picture is of a character in a video game) is too androgynous?

  6. Mona Risk // July 1, 2011 at 2:33 PM  

    Interesting post. I grew up admiring the Duke of windsor for loving a woman that much, then I changed my mind. He was morally too weak for my taste. I laso prefer tall, handsome and dark like all my hroes.

  7. Nightingale // July 1, 2011 at 5:25 PM  

    Mona, as I've read more about the Duke of Windsor, I've learned a lot that I'd probably not wished to know. Hey, there's nothing wrong with tall, dark and handsome. I just prefer blonds.

  8. Judith Keim // July 2, 2011 at 7:57 AM  

    Wow, Linda! Some very good choices! LOL So much about the way a man carries himself and the way it feels when you look into his eyes determines handsome for me. Your choices for pure looks are yummy!

  9. Mary Marvella // July 2, 2011 at 9:49 PM  

    I'm on the road sorta of. Adrian Paul, from Highlander the Series, rings my chimes. So does Clark Kent on Smallville. The baby superman is so luscious!