The gracious home designed and built by Founding Father and Renaissance Man Thomas Jefferson is just a hop and a skip over the Blue Ridge Mountains from us. I always enjoy a visit to this lovely home and its magnificent grounds. Among the many interests of this brilliant man, Jefferson was also impassioned about gardening.
"No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden...But though an old man, I am but a young gardener."~ Thomas Jefferson
The ongoing efforts to preserve his legacy are a rich investment in this vital part of our heritage. I’ve long been fascinated with colonial America, partly inspired by research into my ancestors. This far gone time doesn’t seem so distant here in Virginia where much of that history took place and many of these amazingly gifted early Americans made their homes.
“Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.”~ Thomas Jefferson
“Those who labour in the earth are the chosen people of God.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
Monticello is owned and operated by The Thomas Jefferson Foundation. To quote from their site, “Monticello is the autobiographical masterpiece of Thomas Jefferson—designed and redesigned and built and rebuilt for more than forty years—and its gardens were a botanic showpiece, a source of food, and an experimental laboratory of ornamental and useful plants from around the world.”~
For more on Monticello and the work of the foundation click here.
My love of Monticello and other beautiful early American homes, and my fascination with the dramatic colonial time period, is much of the inspiration behind my American historical romances--that and ongoing research into my rich ancestry. For more on my work please visit my website:
1780, South Carolina: While Loyalist Meriwether Steele recovers from illness in the stately home of her beloved guardian, Jeremiah Jordan, she senses the haunting presence of his late wife. When she learns that Jeremiah is a Patriot spy and shoots Captain Vaughan, the British officer sent to arrest him, she is caught up on a wild ride into Carolina back country, pursued both by the impassioned captain and the vindictive ghost. Will she remain loyal to her king and Tory twin brother or risk a traitor’s death fighting for Jeremiah? If Captain Vaughan snatches her away, he won’t give her a choice.~
This home has to be on my and DH's list of places to see. So lovely. We have so much to see in our own country, we don't even have to think about going overseas.
Thanks for sharing, Beth.
Beth, we visited Monticello a couple of years ago and it was delightful. He was such an enterprising man. The whole area, including yours, has to be one of the most beautiful in the country. Gorgeous.
Yes, so beautiful. He was amazing.
Lovely post, Beth. I enjoyed the pictures and learning more about Monticello. I've never been there. And Enemy of the King is perfect reading material for me. I was a long time fan of The Swamp Fox.
Once again, dear Beth, you make me want to be there!
I've driven through Virginia many times but have never gone to Monticello. Sounds like a must-see!
Beautiful photo, and interesting blog. Thanks for sharing.
Definitely a must see. Ah yes, love The Swamp Fox.
I really enjoyed visiting Monticello a few years ago and remember we stopped to admire the Shannondoah Valley along the way. I often think of that trip when I read you posts about your beautiful valley.
Thanks Scarlet.
I have never been to Monticello but read a book about the romance of Jefferson and Sally. Next time we visit my daughter we may drive to that part of VA. The whole state is so beautiful, particularly in Spring and Fall. Thanks for sharing the quotes, Beth.
Thanks for the reminder to visit this beautiful place. I've thought about going there for some time. Beautiful pictures!
I've never been there. But it will be a place I look forward to seeing one day!