Behind the perfection of a man's style, must lie the passion of a man's soul.
Oscar Wilde
All of the Wilde quotes I've posted are from a wonderful little book entitled The Wit & Wisdom
of Oscar Wilde by Ralph Keys.
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Wilde has so many witticisms in his life and they're so thought-provoking to read. He appears to have lived by so many and didn't care what others thought (which can be both good and bad, as his life has shown, but no preaching today.) In the Hallmark Hall of Fame version of "Dorian Gray" which I consider the best one, because of the hunk title star who unfortunately didn't last very long in the limelight, Wilde's little epigrams (is that the correct word, Linda?) abound. It was a delight to watch George C. Scott's character engage in a verbal duel with some highborn lady, those little gems bouncing back and forth lke a badminton bird!
Ooooh, I like it.
OOOH Toni I need to know what version and if that is available. George C. Scott?? And who did play our delectable Dorian? Must hit NetFlix so hurry your answer.
Don't you think the quote says something to us writers? Our passion, our fire inside--our words our mirrors?
So deep and so true. My stories and characters are indeed my passion and each mirrors something I believe.
Good job, Linda.
Lovely pic, too!