Please help me welcome Mia Fisher, mystery author and president-elect of Kiss of Death. For those of you who don't know, KOD is the mystery writer's specialty chapter of Romance Writers of America. I met and became friends with Mia during my tenure as KOD's president. Here is the short version of Mia's life:
I've asked Mia to give us the low down of her writing, below are her answers!

My latest book is a mystery/suspense that carries a
lot of romance. Blood Roles is the first book in what will be a six book series
regarding a behavioral science unit that deals only with Native American
crimes. Blood Roles brings our hero and
heroine together for the first time in over a decade and it is not pretty. I think it crosses several genres
actually. It has the edge of a
contemporary, the romantic elements and the hard-driving mystery. It also brings
out some social issues that the general population may or may not be aware of
and that would put it into a social boundaries genre as well. It’s a very edgy, sexy and thought provoking
book that’s been getting some great reviews.
How do you come up with ideas?
Usually while driving and listening to music. Music for me is a strong
muse. My contemporary romance,
Illusions, which will be coming out in November, was written entirely around two
Transiberian Orchestra songs – Christmas Canon Rock and Grinch Melody. I’m sure
people will wonder what those two songs even have to do with a romance novel –
they’re just going to have to buy the book when it comes out and see how it all
fits together! Blood Roles was written
around one song – Mike and the Mechanics “All I Need Is A Miracle”. My last
Inspirational, Heart of Stone, was named after a Cher song. Music provides an exceptional creative medium
in my opinion.
What is the single most important part of
writing for you?
Creating my characters. I love
bringing them to life.
What is the most important thing you do for
your career?
Force myself to market. When I first was published back in 1987 it
was a time when the publishers did a lot for us – very little self-promotion or
marketing wasn’t either planned in advance or backed by them. Now it’s a whole new world and I’m learning
as I go. I’m not an outgoing, cold-call
type of person (which is ironic since I used to be a publicist, lol) so I really
have to focus and force myself to take all those needed steps to market both
myself and my books.
What do you enjoy most about writing?
– Creating the dynamic between the hero and heroine. I like incredibly complex
relationships that look much simpler than they actually
What do you enjoy most about life?
Life in general. My husband passed away last year after
several very-traumatic months in the ICU.
During that time I learned that life is something to be treasured,
something to be enjoyed, all aspects, no matter how hard or how small deserve
the same attention. Live every day to
the fullest no matter what because there may not be a tomorrow.
Where do you start when writing?
Research, plotting, outline, or...? Usually in the middle. LOL I
visualize I specific scene – usually a climactic moment – and then once I’ve
written it I go back, start the book and then finish it.
What did you learn from writing your first
book? Grammar, while important,
should not be your first priority. My
very first editor told me that writing the book is more important than editing
the book during that first draft. To
worry about editing while you’re writing interrupts your flow. Now days I’m told that’s a lazy way to write
but for me it’s the best way to go. Focus on the outline and the lives the
characters are living – then worry about if it’s all grammatically correct.
Would you consider self publishing?
Yes. In fact the NABSU series is now, officially, a self-pubbed
series. I originally went with a very
small house and didn’t like what they did with it. The editing was poor, the changes they made
without notifying me changed the entire story.
I sued to break the contract and now I’m self-publishing the entire
series. It’s a very unique and special series that needs strong creative control
due to the subject matter and self-publishing allows that.
How many hours a day to you spend
writing? Currently between eight and ten, sometimes more, sometimes
If you could give the younger version of
yourself advice what would it be?
Don’t marry husband #1 and don’t listen to what anybody has to say about
your desire to write. If people can’t
support you in your goal they don’t need to be a part of your life. I'm sure to
some people that might seem harsh but, over all, I did not have family or
friends who supported my career when I first started out and their constant
negativity was a major inhibitor for me.
Is your muse demanding? Only when there’s chocolate
Are your stories driven by plot or
character? Most definitely character driven. I usually see one of my
main characters long before I know what road they’re going to be traveling
How do you balance a life outside of writing
with deadlines and writing muses? Lots of lists and really big calendar
pages on my wall.
If I was a first time reader of your books,
which one would you recommend I start with and why? If Intimate States
was still in print I’d say that one – in my opinion it is, by far, my best
book BUT (ain’t there always a but?) I’ve matured a lot as a writer and a
character builder since then so of what I have on the market now? I’d say
Blood Roles – it’s a page turner and will keep you on the edge of your
seat as well as provide some steamy intimate reading!
List two authors we would find you reading
when taking a break from your own writing.
Weirdly enough when I take a break from writing I
don’t read romance. I feel guilty that I’m not writing when I do so I’ll usually
be reading non-fiction when I actually take a break. Katherine Ramsland, Anne
Rule, usually something true crime related. When I take a mini-break while I’m writing?
Joan Swan, Pamela Palmer – something with a lot of heat and a totally different
Mia Fisher
2012 KOD President-Elect

Welcome to the PFS, Mia. What a unique twist on BSU plot. Where is the setting or does your BSH move around the country?
< don’t listen to what anybody has to say about your desire to write>
And great advice. I wish someone would've told me, and I wouldv'e listened, this decades ago. We need to cherish our gift by using it.
Kudos on the release. I look forward to checking them out.
Welcome Mia! Wonderful to have you here and learn to know more about you. Fabulous post. And mega congrats. I will definitely check out your books. Thanks for the pick me up. I need some oooommmmppphh to keep on trucking at times.
Mia, welcome to the Fuzzies! Can't wait to read your new book! Sounds fascinating. Love how you combine so many "categories"! Good luck with it!
I got your book, can wait to read it. I know how you feel about guilt. I have tons of it. I love muse does too. If she shows up at your place begging for chocolate, just say no and send her home. We are dieting. (tee hee).
Mia, thanks for visiting the Pink Fuzzies and for the great interview! Going to enjoy reading the new book.
Mia, I'm heading over to Amazon to download a copy of Blood Roles. I like your advice to write the book before worrying about grammar. As long as you don't forget and go back and fix the grammar once the story is on the page, it is a very effective way to write. I find that stopping to edit stops my writing. Getting the story on paper is the most important part. You can't fix it if it isn't written. Again, thanks for visiting.
Thanks for visiting and sharing your advice! I'm glad Scarlet invited you.
Great interview! Mia, I can't wait to read something of yours!
Mia, I really enjoyed hearing about you, very nice interview, and wish you great success.
Wonderful interview, Mia.
Wishing you many happy sales!
Fellow Taran :)
Welcome to the PFS good luck Mia!!
Great advice about grammar and writing the first draft, Mia. Thanks so much for visiting our Pink Fuzzy Slipper blog and best wishes on your indie publishing.