Good Monday Morning! It's COLD in Georgia and I am grateful for the fireplace. You will not believe who came by to visit.
This post is proudly a stop on the TEXAS TWO STEP Blog Tour. For a complete listing of all stops on this tour, please visit here. All contests are for U.S. residents only unless otherwise noted. Comments left on this blog will be counted toward the Texas Two Step Faithful Follower Gift Certificate. To see a complete listing of Blog Tour Prizes, click here. Be sure to check out the freebies. Yours for the asking as long as they last.
Hey, there Cyndi! Come closer and get warm and give me a hug. The ladies will be here to warm up eventually. I am so proud of your sales. What have you brought with you? Oh, my goodness. Who needs a fireplace with him around?

A big ole PINK FUZZY THANK YOU to the ladies of the Pink Fuzzy Slippers Blog for hosting me today on this stop of my blog tour. At one time I used to blog with these gals and got to know them quite well. A more totally rad group of ladies never existed. I’m thrilled to be back and even more thrilled that I’m kicking off something very special with today’s post --a 10-day Prequel to Texas Two Step.
Texas Two Step doesn’t open with my hero (Mitch Landry) and heroine (Olivia Montgomery) meeting for the first time. They’d met and fallen in love ten years prior. So I thought it might be fun to visit some of the early days of their relationship, when the love is fresh and new…before fate steps in and slaps them upside the head.
They meet at The Bourbon Cowboy, a local bar known to be “the” hangout for SMU (Southern Methodist University) law students. But that’s not why Olivia takes her best friend there to have a drink. Olivia and her best friend, Emily, have both just turned twenty-one. The Montgomery family tradition is a shot of bourbon at The Bourbon Cowboy as the first legal drink. Since her older brothers did it, Olivia has to do it, too. The evening didn’t turn out exactly as she’d planned. If you’d like to read The Meeting-Part One, click HERE.
Let’s talk about our first “legal” drinks. Notice the “legal” is in quotes. I suspect some of us might have just tasted alcohol before we turned twenty-one. I’ll tell you my story and you tell me yours.
When I turned twenty-one, I was dating the guy who would become my first husband (and my first and only ex-husband.) We were in Hot Springs, Arkansas staying at my parents’ house. Most of you know nothing about Hot Springs, but back then, there were quite a few topless bars. I was dying to see the inside of one, so of course Hubby #1 took me there. We went on a double date with his roommate and one of my “not-quite twenty-one-year-old” friends. I remember some of that evening, but it’s been a long time ago and my memory isn’t what it used to be. (It’s my memory that’s the problem, not the amount of booze I drank that night. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!) I remember the waitresses dancing on the bar when certain songs came on. That was fine but when one of these scantily-clad women jumped on top of the cigarette machine to shake her bootie, I almost fell out of my chair laughing, as did my friend. (Side note: Most of these gals should NOT have been in skimpy clothing…if you get my drift.) Our dates were trying to get us to shut-up as the bartender and burly guy at the door didn’t seem to find as much humor in the scene as we did.
We made it to a few other places that night, but again, this old-age memory can’t recall names and places. But I do remember that Hubby #1 got totally soused. We stayed at my parents’ house that night. The next morning my mother served scrambled eggs for breakfast. Hubby #1 had to make a mad dash for the bathroom. Through the wall, we could all hear him “relaunching” those eggs into the toilet. When he came back out, everyone tried to pretend nothing had happened.
Now that I think about it, my parents weren’t all that upset when we divorced. Maybe it was the eggs.
So the floor is open…Tell us about the day you turned twenty-one. Was it memorable or just another day? Did you have your first drink or your first “legal” drink? What was your first legal drink? Did you have scrambled eggs for breakfast the next day?
Today’s TTS Blog Tour Prize
Many guest bloggers can offer a copy of a backlist book to be given away as a potential prize for a blog commenter. As a debut author, I don’t have a backlist. But I do have some awesome author friends who have stepped forward and offered one of their books as a prize.
Today’s TTS Blog Tour Author Sponsor is Turquoise Morning Press author Margaret Ethridge. Margaret will send her January 2012 release, Commitment, to one lucky person who leaves a comment. To find out more about today’s Blog Tour Sponsor, you can visit her website, Twitter or Facebook.
To learn more about me check out the links below:
To learn more about me check out these links:
Website , Facebook. Twitter, Group Blog , and Personal Blog
And if those aren’t enough, sign up for inside scoops and special contests by receiving the newsletter I share with my blog buddies.
Remember! Leave a comment for a chance to win Margaret’s book!
Texas Two Step is available for preordering at Samhain, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble and I will be forever in your debt if you would buy it!
Tomorrow’s Tour Stop is at Delilah Devlin’s Blog and episode Two of The Meeting. Hope to see you there!

Hey, Cyndi! It's much too cold here in Georgia! The fireplace feels good. Your cover is HOT!
I rarely drink. My fiancé bought me a bottle of red wine for my 21st birthday. It is the only time I've ever had a hangover. I've never had red wine since then. LOL
Congratulations on the upcoming release! I love cowboys.
Geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com
Haw-Woo!! You ladies just thought you got rid of me! Leave the back door open and you never know who might sneak in! :)
I noticed my link to today's installment of The Prequel isn't right. My fault, Not Mary's!
If you want to read Part One of The Meeting, follow the link above.
Hi StaciD.
Thanks for the congrats on Texas Two Step. I hope you enjoy it!
Cyndi, so glad you stopped by! So excited about your success with Texas Two Step and can't WAIT to read it!! Congratulations, girl and about being 21...I lived in New York State and legal drinking age was 18!!
Hey Judy!!
When I was 18, we could buy light beer in Oklahoma. Boys couldn't, only girls. Odd, huh? Being in Fayetteville, AR for college, driving into OK was a short trip. Mostly we bought Coors. Back then you couldn't get it everywhere like you can now! Even then it tasted watered down, like it does now for me.
Thanks for leaving a message!
Not mine - but my hubby's...In college [and prematurely balding], a local bar always gave you a free beer on your 21st.. So in he goes and asks the bartender for his freebie... Bartender looks at him and asks, "You haven't been at least 21 for these past 3 years??"
LOL GirlyGirl
That is a GREAT story!
Thanks for coming by.
I had my first "legal" drink when I turned twenty one. My friend and I went to a bar near out houses (so we could walk home). We told the bartender it was my birthday. He announced it to the bar and everyone bought us drinks. By the time we left the bar, we were so drunk. All I remember is my mom waking me up the next morning. I had to go to the library of finish a paper for class. Talk about hungover. I was sick for days. Cynthia, can't wait to read Texas Two Step. Can't wait to read Margaret's book Commitment either. Both are already on my wishlist. Thanks for the blog tour.
Great post, Cyndi! I was the last of my friends to turn 21, since I am a November baby. I knew I'd been in college too long when the $2.99 30pk of Schaffer Light beer tasted better than the 'real' beer I'd bought earlier that day. Sad to say, my tastes and my tolerance have not improved. I rarely drink at all anymore, but when I do, I'm still a cheap drunk. Thanks for letting me be a part of your hop. Best of luck with your debut!
Hey, Cindy! Long time no see. I'm late showing up to the party, but congrats on Texas Two Step! :~)
Oops, spelled your name wrong, Cyndi. Slapped myself upside the head for that. I should know better.
I'm so scattered this morning. I don't drink anymore and it's so long since I did that I don't remember a thing about my first legal drink. It wasn't an occasion, I'm sure.
Hi Joanne! I am SURE I was hungover but I don't remember it, so it couldn't have been too bad.
Thanks for coming by. Let me know what you thought about part 1 of The Prequel
Hi Margaret! Honestly, I hardly drink anymore either. I don't like the feeling of not being in control. (I'm sure you're shocked!) And frankly, I can be an ugly drunk!
Hi Banana - oops, I mean Barbara! hee hee
Thanks for leaving a comment. I've been following your writing career. You're doing well for yourself! Congrats.
Good afternoon, Cyndi. It looks as though you are doing fine here today. I figured you would. Baby, it's cold outside!
Hello Cyndi and welcome. Love the name of your blog tour. I love cowboys too. Congrats on your soon to be out there release.
LoL. I love your voice! Congrats on the new release. I just love cowboys and authors with tickle me voices.
Hey, Cyndi, sorry I'm late to the party, but better late than never. Congratulations on the success of your story. Who doesn't love a hot, sexy cowboy!!!
Hi Cynthia,
It's so nice to have you back on our blog.
Sincere congrats on Texas Two Step!
Hi Beth! Thanks for coming by and leaving a message.
Who doesn't love a cowboy?
Hi Autumn! Thanks for saying something nice about my voice! It means a lot hearing that from a fellow author.
Thanks for leaving a message
Hi Pamela...Sexy, hot cowboy. Yes, ma'am! I got 'em in my books 'cause I luvs me some cowboy!
Thanks for leaving a message
Hi Josie. Thanks for the "welcome home!" :)
Congrats Cindi. I can't wait to read your book. When will it be available? I don't remember my first drink, legal or not. I married quite young and was busy raising babies when my 21st rolled around. LOL, in fact, I don't remember much at all from that year.
Hi Scarlett!!! So thrilled you made it by here and to read the first of chapter one of Texas Two Step and leave me a message this. It means a lot to me!
Thank you Pink Fuzzy Slipper Writers for having me here today. It was wonderful
Cyndi, my first drink was boring and after I was legal at the time. I never drank enough for more than a buzz, if that much. I just want to sleep.
You need to stop by more often!
Sorry I didn't comment sooner. It wouldn't let me! I was there when Cyndi accepted her award for our Chapter Conference and she is a beautiful person, inside and out.
Love you Cyndi! I'm so happy for you!
Hi Mary Ricksen! Glad you finally able to make a comment!
I let pick me a winner for Margaret's book.
The winner was JOSIE!
Congrats Josie. Email me please.
Thanks Mary for hosting me.
Hey! I left a comment here yesterday, and Blogger must have eaten it.
I guess because I also said my first drink was legal and boring--and really, I prefer tea. LOL
Sorry I missed you guys!
I have no idea WHERE I was on my 21st but I do know with whom I celebrated -- my then-boyfriend-now-husband-of34-years. We had only been dating for a month and only 5 days prior I had laid the L word on him for the first time. He did t say it back that night but on 2-25-77 he DID tell me he loved me and 364 days later we were married!! Thanks for taking me down memory lane!!
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