Welcome to our blog. The Pink Fuzzy Slipper Writers are taking a few days to enjoy our family and friends, but we would like to share our thanks, prayers and hopes with you. And, we want to wish you and your family a wonderful and safe holiday. We will be back on Saturday Nov. 27 with another great topic.
On Thanksgiving Day, as well as the rest of the year I have much to be thankful for. Good health, a lovely life in West Palm Beach, good friends, a son and a daughter, and three precious granddaughters, who are such a joyful blessing in my life. I alsowant to give thanks to my beloved Ralph, my partner in life, and my best friend. And to all my writing pals who share in my woes and disappointments as well as every accolade and hard fought success.
Patrice Wilton-It's never too late for romance!
I am thankful for the privilege of knowing special people like my author friends, and the other true friends I have known for many years. My six month old puppy, Nibby, gives me unconditional love and puppy kisses and there is nothing like it!. In these unfortunate times I see families losing their homes. The thought of a homeless scares me, it could happen to anyone. So I am grateful for the roof over my head and the food on my table. I am happy to have a husband that loves me, sisters that look up to me, and an adorable niece who is very close to my heart. I feel blessed to look out my back door and see the wonderful garden I planted and nurtured. I feel blessed to have close friends that really love me. I am blessed to be one of the PFS writers. Most of all I am thankful to be alive, that is a gift I treasure every morning when I wake up to the world. Now If I could only change the woes of the world I'd be really happy...
Mary M. Ricksen
Mama Mary is thankful for her lovely and generous Pink Fuzzy Slipper ladies. She's thankful for her critique partners, including Pamela and Scarlet. Mary is thankful for the parents who taught her to do the right thing and gave her a strange sense of humor. She appreciates her longtime friends, Linda and Toni, as well her other friends. Mary is thankful for her health and that she has her home, her sister, herbrother, and her sister-in-law, who is like a sister to her. Her writing and her tutoring are often life savers. Most of all, she's thankful for her beautiful, generous, and loving daughter, her best project ever!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a blessed Christmas!
Mary Marvella
I am thankful this year and always for family and friends. I am lucky. My husband and I are close to our children even though they live on the
opposite coast. In addition to our two granddaughters, two new healthy
grandsons have been added to the family this year. I've made new friends in
the writing world and for these, too I am thankful, because writers are
special people who endure the uniquely difficult process of writing and
still choose to give encouragement to others. So, you see, I have so very
much to be thankful for.
Judy Keim
This has been a challenging year for me and my family, but also one of rich blessings. We're grateful the many cancer diagnosis's that descended upon us are kinds that are treatable and were caught early, and we're soldiering on. We are thankful for new life in grandbaby Chloe and the joy of other small people in our lives. For the beauty of our farm and green valley, the satisfaction of a life lived close to the land surrounded by family and friends. And from an author's perspective, for stories written and stories yet to be told.
Beth Trissel
I'm thankful for my supportive husband of 35 years, and for my three beautiful grown children.And for my family and friends, and spending time together over the holidays. Also, I'm thankful that I am able to write this blog--which means I am still able to think, see, and hear, and afford the luxuries of a comfortable chair and a computer.
This has been an awesome year, and we’ve a lot to be thankful for, especially the two little boys who were born into our family. I’ll give thanks for my growing family and my friends, without their love I’d be lost. I’m also grateful that we’ve been fortunate in these unsettled times and have been able to help others few who were in need.
I wish you all a wonderful holiday filled with love.
Autumn Jordon
There's much I could be thankful for but they all sound like cliches--like friends and family--and anyway,they already know how I feel. But at my age, I've one thing for which I'm really grateful: That I still have a mind which works and enables me to continue producing novels accepted by publishers....25 and counting!
Toni V. Sweeney

Thanks for posting these, Autumn! It's a great group and extending it even farther, a great writing organization! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Well done, Autumn. All of us are very fortunate to have so many blessings in our lives. It is such a beautiful world, and I appreciate every full moon, every ray of sunshine, each day of my life, and want nothing more than a healthy safe world for our children and grandbabies to grow up in.
Autumn what a wonderful post. My PFS girls are all amazing and I treasure you guys!
Ladies, we rock! Thanks for doing this, Autumn. Have a blessed turkey day!
Beautiful post, Autumn. Thank you for doing this.
This was a collective and beautiful post from all of us to all of you. Thanks, Autumn, for your efforts.