“Devlesa araklam tum.”
“It is with God that we found you.”
-Old Romany saying

Chapter Two

James Saren, Earl of Colchester, rubbed his eyes, struggling with the fatigue of several sleepless nights fighting another senseless battle in King Henry’s name without his most trusted men at his side. Time he preferred to spend near his son.

Once the battle ended, he had ridden like a man possessed by demons to arrive home earlier that evening. His son’s excited squeals of laughter as he ran into his father’s arms rewarded him for his efforts. Warmth moved his heart, lifted his spirit. The sweating sickness had not stricken his son while he was gone.

Now, with the boy finally asleep on his lap, he forced his shoulders to relax. James shifted in the straight-backed chair, pressed unyielding against his sore muscles, barely able to contain his long form and his little son’s, too. Despite his prosperity, James favored the simplicity of his sparse chambers---an unadorned fireplace, a clean bed, a trestle table concealed beneath a woven tablecloth.


  1. Mona Risk // March 4, 2008 at 4:25 PM  

    Joann, you ought to enter this story in the next AT. I hope it's historical. We'll vouch for you.

  2. Mary Marvella // March 5, 2008 at 12:53 AM  

    You are such a tease, Joanna!

  3. Josie // March 5, 2008 at 9:28 AM  

    Thanks for the encouragement, ladies. If historical is the next AT, I will submit. :)