Sir Roland dismounted, tethered his horse, and dragged Valentina through the entryway of the castle and down a short corridor. He dumped her at the far corner of an enormous room. With a perilous flick of his sword, he cut the rope from her wrists.

“Stay here and keep quiet until his lordship wishes to see you,” Sir Roland said.

Half in awe, half in fear, she pivoted and tilted her head back. The ceiling in the huge room connected with mammoth timber arches on three sides.
She gaped, disbelieving of the rich surroundings.
Yolanda must be near. Valentina shook her wrists. She could not feel, could not move, but she had to find her sister.
Her gaze slid downward. Weighty tapestries in pale green covered the massive stone walls. Fine tiles lined the entrance to an endless spiral staircase. Moonlight winked through the panes of the leaded windows giving an eerie golden glow, but her sister was not in the room.
Yolanda’s cries pierced the deserted corridor. Valentina felt as if her heart would burst.


  1. Sandra Cox // February 11, 2008 at 7:17 PM  


  2. Beth Trissel // February 11, 2008 at 7:38 PM  


    You really must get this published one way or another.

  3. Josie // February 12, 2008 at 9:12 AM  

    Thank you, ladies!