What a wonderful day! Our Thanksgiving was filled with food, family and friends. We stayed with my daughter and son-in-law and got up early to help with the food prep. This was our daughter and son-in-law's first Thanksgiving in their new home. Daughter decided to brine the turkey. It turned out to be a two day process, but turn out really wonderful.
Didn't it turn out pretty? She made a gluten free stuffing with cranberries, apples, onion and herbs. I prefer the traditional Southern Dressing, so we had both.
If you've been following me on Facebook, you know that I made my mother's from scratch, fresh coconut cake this year. My mom died in 1969, but I know she would be pleased to know her cake was the center of attention this year. New SIL loved the coconut cake. Making this cake is a family affair. You have to first shop for the fresh coconut, then you need to figure out how to open the coconut and get the coconut out of the shell. That was always my dad's job, so I enlisted the aid of my dear husband to free the coconut from the shell. It took hours and hours, but the end result was great. Maybe not quite as good as mom's, but close.
Mary Marvella is the last on the right in this picture. My smallest granddaughter is in her grandpa's arms looking to see what she wants on her plate. Mary Marvella wanted this picture, because she said no one would believe her when she told them how much food there was! Daughter and I said really? We scaled it way back this year!
So, we ate, visited, feasted some more, talked more, and finally we packed up and came home. It was a wonderful holiday. Especially since the DH and I have to leave the beach early because of the weather! Were afraid we would get snowed in and miss the celebration. How was your Thanksgiving?

The food and the company rocked! Thanks, Scarlet! I am eating leftovers now! YUM!
I am so glad you were able to join us and that you took left-overs home for later. That is our family's tradition, to see how much food we can send home with everyone!
I am still eating from the leftovers!
I had an interesting day myself. We went to friends for the first time, we usually stay home. We were there about a half an hour an Rich our host had a stroke right there in front of us all. It was a difficult and odd day to say the least. We went home and had ham sandwiches...I think I'm staying home from now on!
We had a quiet Thanksgiving here in SC. Your table looks wonderful, and delicious!
Mary, I am so sorry for your friend's illness. When something like that happens on a holiday, it really takes a long time to get over it. My oldest brother passed away on Christmas Eve and Christmas was very difficult for me for a very long time. I sometimes still get weepy. Hope you friend is okay and soon recovers.
Josie, it was lovely. My daughter did almost all of it, though I did lend a hand. The best part was coming home to a clean kitchen! She loaded the dishwasher three times while cooking and still had two loads to wash after the meal. Big family dinners are when I miss my grandmother. We were a team, I cooked and she washed dishes! What a deal.
WOW everything looks so good.