Of course, I’ve read and reread the book (s) by the incomparable Baroness Emmuska Orczy since I was a teenager. So if you haven’t, do!
The Scarlet Pimpernel is one of the most romantic and intriguing tales ever told. I rank it up there with the best! The world Ms. Orczy creates seems very real, as do Sir Percival Blakeney and Marjuerite St. Just, but they are fictional characters. Or so we’re told.
Whether or not Ms. Orczy based the Pimpernel on a historical figure has been much debated. She was certainly absorbed in that time period and highly knowledgeable. Her work inspired me to research the French Revolution and set my latest story in 1789 England during the kick off of that bloody episode in history. Not the height of the Great Terror as Ms. Orczy chose for the Pimpernel. Rather, I opted for an earlier time in the Revolution. My hero isn’t the Pimpernel–I wouldn’t even attempt to go there–but the explosion across the channel is a prominent story element.
As much as I enjoy the various takes on the Scarlet Pimpernel, I still haven’t seen one that I felt utterly captured Sir Percy Blakeney and Marguerite St. Just/ Lady Blakeney, although some actors have made a stellar effort. I’d like to see a film version that more closely follows the book, and maybe I’ll never be totally satisfied with anything as it’s impossible to fully reproduce the story.

For your viewing pleasure, I’ve included some clips of the above mentioned productions.

I've read The Scarlet Pimpernel -- and I think one of the other books, maybe I Will Repay -- but I haven't seen any of the movies. Her stories inspired me to write about the era of the French Revolution, too.
I loved that story and could watch one of the movies every other night. Hey, Zoro deserves his special nights, too!
Loved the post, Beth. I'll bet our own Scarlet will have something to contribute, too!
What fun, Beth! I'm going to get the book and read it! I'm always interested in that period but write contemporary stories... Thanks. Love the idea of the trailer and the introduction to the films. Thanks for sharing!
Glad you all enjoyed it. I loved doing the post. Yes, do watch the movies. And by all means read the Scarlet Pimpernel.
I love the Sarlett Pimpernel. I read it so many times, in French, Le Mouron Rouge, when I was a teenager, and in English later. But I still have to see a movie that reproduces well the characters. Great post, Beth.
You can tell from where my inspiration come by my chosen non-de-plume! I've loved the Pimpernel since I was a teen! He does make my heart flutter! Such bravery, such a man!
Now I know what I'm going to add to my Xmas wish list. I agree Seymour was really beautiful in the part. Thanks Beth for reminding us of this wonderful story and these great movies.
Thanks guys. Agreed. I figured he was your hero Scarlet.
I've never seen the movies and thoroughly enjoyed the clips. Your enthusiasm for the book has inspired me to re-read it.
I have never read The Scarlet Pimpernel, but I'll add it to my 'must read' pile. Thanks for another interesting post.