Please spay/neuter your pets

Posted by Sandra Cox | 7:11 AM | | 0 comments »

Hi Folks,
If you've read The Crystal and noticed that a couple of the characters, Ned and Jericho, have four legs instead of two, you've probably figured out that I'm an animal lover. So I'm going to chat today about something near and dear to my heart: spay/neuter.

I believe that most people are responsible pet owners and that more and more people are hopping on the spay/neuter bandwagon everyday. But even with the great strides being made today we still have a ways to go.

Stats and facts:More than 70,000 kittens and puppies are born daily in the United States.In the county I live in the animal shelter averages 6,000 cats and dogs euthanized per year. This is just one county in one state.For the entire United States it jumps up to 10 million per year.The offspring of one unspayed female cat and her mate and all their offspring producing litters can total a staggering 11,606,077 cats in 9 years. Whew!So please spread the word to friends and family to spay and neuter their pets.And give your dog or kitty a big hug and tell them how lucky they are to have a home with you.Thanks for stopping by.