Because she is now thirty-eight, the mandatory age of retirement, Captain Soledad Scott is forced to relinquish her command. Having been in the service since a teenager, she finds herself, for the first time in her life, without a purpose in life. In a weak moment, wondering what to do now that she's free from responsibility, she allows her sister to talk her into putting in a maternity request and subsequently finds herself in a room at one of the forty-eight pleasure domes in the Straits of Tralarie with a man who meets her specifications to be the father of her child...

Gabriel Meriweather is a half-breed Chakra, grandson of the leader of that warlike planet. Raised in the palace after his Royal father and his Terran mother are murdered by his grandfather's command, Gabe leaves the planet as soon as he's old enough, joining the Diplomatic Corps. Now he's their Commander and a registered Master Empath, a talent that comes in handy when he's attempting to make peace treaties. Unfortunately, his empathic abilities also open him to the thoughts of everyone around him and he's continually inundated by their emotions. Gabe lives in a constant state of rigid control--fighting what he senses from others, while also struggling against his own barbaric heritage. After a particularly difficult mission that ends in tragedy, and for which he blames himself, he takes refuge in the pleasure dome to block his mind with a few hours of meaningless sex...

...and there he meets Soledad.

It's only after their night of totally unexpected passion that they discover a mistake has been made. Soledad, suffering from wormhole dyslexia from too many years in space, read the room number backwards and went to the wrong suite. To further compound the problem, Gabriel turns out to be the man who brought about the passing of the law placing an age limit on the length of time a captain can remain in command, so it's his fault Soledad has been forced to retire.

That he is also now the father of her unborn child merely adds insult to injury.

In the confusion following the mix-up, Soledad disappears, just as Gabe discovers that in her presence, he's unable to sense others' thoughts and desires. All he finds is peace and mental silence. Realizing Soledad and his child are now the most important factors in his life, he attempts to find her, and their dramatic courtship and what follows make up the rest of the story.

Soledad is portrayed as a strong woman accustomed to command, braving death and dishonor to do what's right even if it breaks the rules. Gabe is shown to be brave, compassionate, haunted by the myriad emotions and memories constantly flooding through him from other people. In his search for Soledad and their unborn child, he finds himself under attack by forces determined to undermine the Diplomatic Corps, cause the deaths of him and his men, and pave the way for another war...

..and the last thing he wants to do now is die, because he has so much to live for.

Pleasure Dome by L.F. Hampton is available as an e-book from www.imajinn.books, www/, or


  1. Scarlet Pumpernickel // July 12, 2009 at 1:35 AM  

    Another good story Toni! You're really cranking 'em out! MM and I are off early for Washington and RWA's National Conference! Wow, hope to get to talk to the editor who has had my manuscript for the last five months. I have an apt. to pitch to Harlequin Nocturne also! I've been polishing my pitch! MM suggested I start with A scientist, a vampire and a banshee walk into a bar..... LOL! I'm going on the KOD tours, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday! We are going to the State Department, FBI, Langley, CIA and Postal Services--the one where the anthrax was found! KOD is the mystery and suspence chapter of Romance Writers of America. This should give me plenty of inspiration to get started on my next romantic suspense manuscript.


  2. Judith Keim // July 12, 2009 at 10:03 AM  

    Interesting book, Toni! Good luck with it! Scarlet, have fun with Mary at RWA! Good luck with your editor!

  3. Nightingale // July 12, 2009 at 10:48 AM  

    Excellent review, Toni. Sounds like an interesting book. You must have liked it if you chose it to review for us.

  4. Toni V.S. // July 12, 2009 at 2:07 PM  

    Thanks Linda. It appears I should have mentioned in the first paragraph that I'm not the writer, however, instead of at the end of the review. Let's set the record straight right now: L.F. Hampton wrote Pleasure Dome. Reviewing my own novel would be too much conceit, and while I've got collossal conceit, I don't have that much! LOL

  5. Toni V.S. // July 12, 2009 at 2:08 PM  

    Oh, thanks for the praise, anyway, Scarlet and Judy. And I'll thank you for the author, also! :))

  6. Mary Ricksen // July 12, 2009 at 3:18 PM  

    Sign me up for a room. Don't want the kid but I like the idea of a pleasure dome. Do they have one for old ladies?

    Keep this up Toni and you might actually make some money!

  7. Mary Ricksen // July 12, 2009 at 3:21 PM  

    Ah! It's not till the very last line that you tell us you are not the author. That was a bit confusing. Whew I feel better now to tell the real author, that story sounds wonderful!!

  8. Mona Risk // July 12, 2009 at 3:54 PM  

    Great review Toni!! Scarlet and Mary have fun in Washington. I am in LA now after a relatively easy flight. Slept and the read through it.

  9. Mary Marvella // July 12, 2009 at 7:17 PM  

    Good review, Toni. A reviewer and an author. I'm sure the author will appreciate your efforts.

    Scarlet and I had a good, quick flight and have already begun our siege of DC! Scarlet brought a can of read paint and I brought long handled brushes.

  10. Scarlet Pumpernickel // July 12, 2009 at 7:27 PM  

    LOL! Toni! I read the entire post except the credit line. Having read so many of your stories, I was sure this was one of them! Well you did a great review at any rate, made me want to read the story.

    Wonder how the whitehouse will look in red? We're starting our romp at the Wardman and marching on the Washington monument, then on to the Lincoln memorial. Can see the tall phallic symbol from our window, MM was quite excited about its size! Think she intends to mount it! Using the elevator of course. Lets party!


  11. Mary Marvella // July 12, 2009 at 7:36 PM  

    I mentioned mounting an assault, not the memorial.