Conferences and conventions can energize me, while leaving me draggin'!
In July I flew from Atlanta to San Fransisco for a Romance Writers of America national conference. For days I joined 2,000, give or take a few, folks who write romance novels or aspire to. Everywhere I looked people I see only at conferences waved and came to me for a quick catch up and a hug. There were also quite a few of my buds from Georgia Romance Writers. Writers who entertained me for years milled with their fans, like they were one of us. They once were unpublished, like may of us are. They don't seemed to forget it or let us forget it. My critique partners and I attended workshops, gatherings, and book signings. You wouldn't believe the books I shipped home, free books. We even did some sightseeing - The Wharf, Chinatown, and more.
Monday night I returned home from DragonCon and I'm "wore out". It's in Atlanta and I live north of Atlanta, so traveling wasn't an issue. DragonCon is a conference and convention for fans of all things Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy. At that conference I dug in and stayed in the Writers Track. Each time I left the room I was surrounded by characters from Star Trek, vampires, pirates, warriors. fairies, and characters I didn't recognize. Children of all ages watched or participated in the crush of people indulging in fantasies and having a wonderful time. There were parties that lasted well into the early morning hours. While I didn't join those, my day ran from ten in the morning 'til eleven in the evening. There I met writers I've only heard mentioned. I'll give more details when I have my photos to share.
October will bring Moonlight and Magnolias, a conference sponsored by Georgia Romance Writers. That one will be a long weekend of nonstop running for me. I might share details about that one, or at least the ones I can share. Yes, there will be workshops and a little partying.

You're a busy lady, MM. Wish I could have been at DragonCon so we could enjoy the bizarre scenery! For those who haven't attended, Moonlight & Magnolias is a great conference.
I didn't take many pictures, but I have a few. I do feel like I'm running! I want to hear about your weekend!
Busy Busy Mary! Whew. I loved being at the Nationals, wish I could have swung the Moonlight and Magnolias. But a country gal with a clamoring family can only do so much.
Good to hear your take. :)
I can't wait to hear all the details of DragonCon! I've already pumped MM for the RWA details! This little lady is a human dynamo! I should know I roomed with her at Southern Magic, RWA in Dallas and M&M! We used to stay up til the cows came home and put everyone to bed at M&M's years ago, but alas, I've grown to old for that nonsense!(Well almost)
Looking forward to M&M next month!
The Scarlet Pumpernickel
I wanna go to an RWA National conference too, and I wanna wave to people I know too! I am sooooo jealous. You lucky dawg you!
(But I'm glad you had a good time, honestly.)
Hey, how did our flier go over?
Do they know us all over the RWA now?
Are we famous yet?
We're making ourselves known! M&M will so rock. The Scarlet Pumpernickel and Pam V will share with you.