Posted by Autumn Jordon | 11:29 AM | 12 comments »

We’ve all heard the old adage, ‘When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. ‘ The saying is an optimist’s advice to a pessimist on navigating the hard times of life. But how much lemonade can one person make? Or drink?

If you’re going to keep it for yourself, I guess you’d get tired of the drink real fast. The smell of lemons would sicken you. The acid would burn your skin. Sweetness would be lost on your taste buds. But, if you plan to share the lemonade with your family or friends, you could make a little more, right? Others might be able help you put things into perspective. Maybe help tweak your recipe.

And if you decided to look beyond those first thoughts and think outside of the box, you’d realize you could experiment, develop a really great, unique recipe for lemonade and share it with the world. Doing so, might lead you down a path you’d never thought of taking. One that might be the sweetest road you’d ever traveled.


I posted this blog four years ago when I was at a very different place in my life. I thought it preachy at the time but really it's not. It’s the thought that we always need to strive to learn from the bad and good things that happen to us and strive to be a better friend to our self and to share our gifts with others.



  1. debjulienne // March 11, 2014 at 12:26 PM  

    You're so right Autumn, sometimes as much as I hate to say it we need the bad to see the good.

  2. Autumn Jordon // March 11, 2014 at 2:58 PM  

    Thanks, Deb. Well said.

  3. Mary Ricksen // March 11, 2014 at 3:15 PM  

    I'm with you on the lemonade.
    Even Limeade. But, you ain't getting me to use brussel sprouts no how, no way. So I'll just return them if I end up getting any from life...

  4. Autumn Jordon // March 11, 2014 at 5:08 PM  

    LOL, Mary R.

  5. Beth Trissel // March 11, 2014 at 5:18 PM  

    This is a very timely post, and such a simple truth, we often overlook it.

  6. Barbara Monajem // March 11, 2014 at 7:40 PM  

    What a lovely blog, Autumn. :)

  7. Mary Marvella // March 11, 2014 at 9:06 PM  

    I suspect you spoke to each of us with this blog.

  8. Autumn Jordon // March 11, 2014 at 9:37 PM  

    Thank you, ladies. I'm glad it spoke to each of you.

  9. Scarlet Pumpernickel // March 12, 2014 at 12:34 AM  

    Autumn, thanks for sharing this reminder that sometimes we need to reach out and share with our friends and loved ones.

  10. Autumn Jordon // March 12, 2014 at 8:49 AM  

    You're welcome, Scarlet.

  11. Pamela Varnado // March 14, 2014 at 12:01 PM  

    Great advice, Autumn. Sharing our troubles lessen the impact they have on our lives. That's hard for most of us to do, but it's so important to know you're not going through bad times alone.

  12. Josie // March 16, 2014 at 1:27 PM  

    Beautiful and amazing thoughts, Autumn. Everything in your blog is very true and has obviously stood the test of time.