Hi everyone,
Today my first book with Amazon Montlake went live, cover and all, on Amazon for pre-order. I only signed the contract in December, and my first book, A HERO LIES WITHIN will be coming out as a serial on Feb.26th. In case you don't know, a serial, which is a new concept and seems to be doing very well, is a book that is released in segments every two weeks, like watching your favorite TV show and having to wait for the next episode. If you are a fast reader and want to gobble up a book in one sitting, this probably won't work for you, but if you have limited time and want to read a few pages while you're on lunch break, or picking up the kids or sitting in a doctors office, this might be the ticket.
So far, Amazon has about a dozen or so Serials for sale, mostly suspense or romantic suspense and I will be one of the first contemporary romances to try out this format. I'm very excited, and if I do half as well as Kim Law, who's book was released a few days ago, then I'm all for it!
If you have a moment I would love for you to check out my book, this serial concept, and give me your opinion. Thanks so much.

I LOVE the concept, but I would rather the installments came once a week. I ordered Cheryl Bolen's story, and I've seen two installments so far. It was hard waiting two weeks between them. Otherwise, just fabulous. How many words is each of your installments? I believe I heard it was supposed to be about 10,000, but this may not be the same with every book.
Good luck with this, Patrice!!
Barbara, I had hoped it would be weekly too, but some of the authors are writing each segment and need that much time. It's about 45-50 pages each episode.
Sounds fun! Go, Patrice!
Fantastic! Congrats Patrice. I will certainly be checking this out.
Terrific Patrice, let us know the numbers. Finger, toes, eyes, legs, etc. all crossed for you!!!
Yay, Patrice! I am literally jumping up and down because I'm so happy for you. Super congrats!
I can't wait to check this out! Congratulations Patrice. This is a great accomplishment and a grand opportunity.