This exquisitely beautiful book came to my attention last summer in Black Mountain, North Carolina while my mother, daughter, and I were browsing a quaint used bookstore–a fitting book for a charming store. Dated 1906, the journal spans the changing seasons with wonderful illustrations painted by the Edwardian Lady herself, Edith Holden. The highly talented Edith weaves in quotes and poems fitting to the season or plant uppermost in her mind on any given day, as well as her thoughts and observations on the wildlife surrounding her home in the village of Olton, Warwickshire, England.

The Country Diary of An Edwardian Lady is a delight for gardener/ nature lovers, and anyone who appreciates beauty. Her writing and illustrations are wonderful.

Of the month of March she says, in part, she has many more pages on March:
“Gathered some of the young crimson catkins of the black poplar. The last few days have been very cold and dry with a keen north wind, and any quantity of March dust in evidence. This morning I saw Frog spawn which had been brought in from a pond….

I found the first dog violet I have seen in blossom this year at the top of Dick’s Lane; the cowslips are only in bud yet, but everywhere the celandine made the ditches bright, and the strawberry leaved cinquefoil spangled the banks…I saw two robins’ and two blackbirds’ nests…and a number of sweet birds as I spun along between the hedges. A tiny greenish grey bird flashed across the road, I thought for a minute it was a warbler, but as it emerged into sight again I saw it was a golden-crested wren.

Of the many lovely quotes she includes is this one by Shakespeare:
“Daffodils that come before the swallow dares, And take the winds of March with beauty.”

You never know where you will find a treasure! Beth finds so many she must know where to look. Thanks for sharing this one.
Beth, what a treasure you found. And what an insight into the life of Edith. Her journal entry reminds that no matter how hectic life is, it's important to take a moment and just allow the blessings from nature to center and calm me. I believe Edith would be pleased to discover that her words and pictures inspire people a century later.
A treasure indeed, and a very interesting post.
Yes, thanks so much guys. I love these rare delightful finds.
What a beautiful, beautiful book. Thanks for sharing. I don't think ebooks will ever take the place of the written and illustrated word.
They won't take the place of something like this. I trust there's a place for both print and ebooks.
Beautiful. You were so lucky to find this book. I love reading actual accounts of the past.
Beth, what a perfectly lovely book! I want one, I really do. And the lady did the artwork herself? It's a pity she kept it hidden away, but what a joy for us that it was found.
Amazing that you have that book! I wish I had one too!
How lovely, and what a delightful place to find such a charming book.
Maybe Ebay or paperbackswap.com might also carry it.