It's about being good to your skin.

Posted by Mary Marvella | 9:51 PM | 2 comments »

Do you remember when soap and water were beauty products? I grew up using Dial soap because my parents bought it. I had good skin, too. Ponds Cold Cream was a luxury for some ladies who still swear by it. I know one of my relatives used it because my aunt and I played with the jars in our arbor playhouse in the country in Mississippi in the 1940's and '50's. I do know my mama and grandmama couldn't afford that lovely product.

Some women my age are passionate about their Dove soap and Oil of Olay and have been forever, as have their mama's before them. Again, these would have been luxuries for our family.

And then there are ladies who swear by Preparation H and they aren't using it on their bottoms.

Today there are so many skin care products that we can become confused, if we don't already have our own favorites.

Though some ladies use Vaseline or olive oil to moisturize, it's not recommended by skincare experts.

A few suggestions.
Avoid products that contain alcohol because they are likely drying. If your skin is oily, you don't help matters by taking the oil your skin loves.

Avoid glopping heavy creams on your skin if it's dry. It will just become drier. Hydrate your skin with water. Splash it on your face and let it soak in, Then use a small amount of light moisturizer and let it soak into your skin. You may add thin coats, 2 0r 3, until your skin feels soft and smooth. If you put a dollop of lotion in the palms of your hands, it will warm and spread more evenly.

Washing your face in hot water or cold water will just bug your skin.

Read labels and watch for products your skin doesn't like. You should recognize some of them by now. Fragrances can be the worst offenders.

Take your vitamins and don't skimp on E and A and C. Drink lots of water.

What would you like to know about winterizing your skin?


  1. Beth Trissel // November 24, 2007 at 8:25 AM  

    Very informative, Mary. With all the vast array of skin product choices, which ones are your favorite? Feel few to name brands. Maybe the companies will give us a kickback. :)
    I'm trying to look for the companies that offer products based on more natural ingreidents. Especially after that horrific post on lead in lipstick! So far, I've found Burts Bees and The Body Shop have natural ingredients created into good formulas, but there must be others.

  2. Mary Marvella // November 24, 2007 at 10:09 PM  

    I actually the sensitive skin
    products I sell. Beware of the words natural ingredients and

    Flowers and plants that make us allergic are natural.

    Fragrances often cause allergic reactions. MY fav ingredient is Chamomile, a problem for people with certain allergies but a godsend for me. Aloe is usually good for healing as are vitamins.

    Tons of people love Clinique and Almay, neither of which I can use.

    I'll try to mention some of the better brands as I go along.