Fitness for Flabbies

Posted by Sherry Morris | 6:58 AM | , , | 13 comments »

Fitness for Flabbies
by Sherry Morris aka Sammie Jo Moresca

It's a new year and a new chance to become healthier and happier. Granted, I have adorable children and a hunky husband, and I'm privileged to be an at-home Mom. But I did slip into inertia last year and it caught up with me. Yep, gained some of my weight back. I will not buy larger clothes, yet I don't want to diet again...yet.

I know I eventually will have to cut out some of the goodies or I'll split my jeans. I have three pairs: The St. John's Bay jeans from JC Penney's are size 8 Petite. The Lee jeans from Wal*Mart are size 6 Short and the Denim & Co. jeans from QVC are size 4 Petite. They all fit me the same. Snug. I don't think it's fair to people that different manufactures size the same garmet differently. Even when I was at my fattest (over 50 pounds heavier than my wedding day), I still wore a size Extra-Small / 4 Petite at QVC. Those poor 3X gals must be 5X in reality. I don't shop there anymore. In all honesty, when I weighed this much in the early 90's I was a size 10 or 12. This is crazy and I think, contributing to the American obesity problem.

Right now, I'm gung ho on trying something I've never done whole-heartedly and with zest...exercise!

We ordered a Reebok treadmill from Costco before Christmas. Not too many bells and whistles, but it seems stable and sturdy and user friendly. Hunky hubby built me a reading rack so I can read magazines while I do the personal trainer level one workout while wearing my bifocals. I got a little obsessive/compulsive before Christmas and subscribed to dozens...about six...shh... of magazines.

Back before the turn of the century when we bought a PC and I discovered the Internet, Yahoo Groups, the Bee Gees (yep, I became a Bee Gees fan in 1999 not 1977 like normal people), writing and the Romance Writers of America, I used to read magazines. They made me feel happy and dreamy and secure. I loved the glossy photos of homes and gardens and magazines and yummy food and pretty people and pets. The short articles were just right to engage my dwindling brain without zoning out.

So, every weekday, I am doing a 30 minute personal trainer level one workout on my treadmill while reading a magazine. It's going well, except the sidebar fonts on Family Circle are a challenge for my over forty myopic eyes.

I then take off my shoes and do a fitness video workout. Miss 15 and I went wild...okay, so it was more me but she likes them to. We bought a variety of fitness DVDs from Costco and Amazon. Some of them are only ten minutes long, and just right for my attention span. This week I'm doing Yoga for Stress Relief with the Dali Lama! I've completed two workouts so far. The first one, Beginning and Ending Your Day was challenging. I was able to do all but one position. I had to come out of it early because my legs were tingling and I got light-headed. Today I did stress relief for my neck and shoulders and really felt better afterwards.

I also rotate abdominal exercises on week days. I have an old fashioned wheel with a handle on each side and and old ab cruncher thingy to help with sit ups. I am breaking up those exercises with ten minute DVD ab work. This week I'm using 10 Minute Solution: Quick Tummy Toners. I love the Crunch Free Abs.

How long can I keep this up? For at least twenty-one days, I'm hoping. Things are supposed to become habits after three weeks.

Are you doing anything fitness wise?


  1. Mona Risk // January 7, 2009 at 8:32 AM  

    Sherry we need more of these posts. I definitely gained more than fifty pounds since my wedding day. When my daughter tried my wedding dress, she couldn't believe it wouldn't zipper on her. But that was in my other life. I joined a training class at the gym. Four times a week. And I am supposed to write down everything I eat. I hope I can last the three months I paid for.

  2. Josie // January 7, 2009 at 8:52 AM  

    My trusty (and somewhat rusty) treadmill from Sears has kept my weight constant for several years. I am on it 5 days a week for 50 minutes, and run almost 5 miles each day. The key is consistency so keep at it. As an advantage--you can eat more. :)

  3. Sherry Morris // January 7, 2009 at 10:00 AM  

    Heart disease is the #1 killer of women. We must take a proactive role in our health and stop putting everyone else's needs first.

    Joanne, you are such an inspriation! I will work my way up to 50 minutes a day on the treadmill.

    Mona, I'm so proud you joined the training class. You will feel so good after every session, proud you've done it.

    I had envisioned setting up my daughter's old bedroom (where the parrott lives now) into a cherry gym. But the treadmill arrived and with my husband's travel scheudle, it would be months before we could get it done right. I listened to Miss 15's wisdom and we cleared an area in the basement big enough for the treadmill. Who cares that it's surrounded by K'nex and toy train clutter. I read my magazine and walk walk walk.

  4. Anonymous // January 7, 2009 at 11:58 AM  

    I'm embarrassed to tell you how much weight I've gain in the 24 years of marriage. In fact, I won't say!

    I'm trying to get back in the habit of working out. Right now, my goal is to ride my bike 3x a week for twenty minutes.

    I'm with Mona. We need these posts to keep us motivated!

  5. Mary Ricksen // January 7, 2009 at 2:54 PM  

    I wish you the best of luck in losing weight. Doesn't sound like you have far to go. So hopefully it will be easy for you.
    Pump up the music and have a breeze going on you to keep you cool, and off you go...

  6. Mary Marvella // January 7, 2009 at 5:35 PM  

    Thanks for the shove, Sherry.
    Joanne, I'd hate you but my weight stayed at a level my friends envied until my 50's, with little effort. I'm paying the price now. I am way beyond a size that feels like the person I know. Gotta dump some pounds.

    Mona, good job.

  7. Nightingale // January 7, 2009 at 6:17 PM  

    Looks like a workable setup, Sherry. I need to do some getting in shape!

  8. Scarlet Pumpernickel // January 7, 2009 at 7:11 PM  

    Sherry, your post is very inspirational! I think your right about the size thing! But I think the worst thing for women's figures happened in the late 50's or early 60's with the advent of stretch material! Women could keep wearing the same pants through a gain of 20 pounds because they stretched! I'm currently trying to get back in shape after letting myself go for way too long.


  9. Sherry Morris // January 7, 2009 at 9:24 PM  

    Cyndi, you can ride your bike three times a week :) It's a doable goal.

    Thanks Mary R and you're welcome, Mama Mary.

    Linda, I hope you find something fun to do!

    Scarlet, you are so right about the spandex! The garment industry is a terrible enabler!

  10. Liz Jasper // January 8, 2009 at 12:26 AM  

    I am eating chocolate at a faster rate. I think there's a noticeable difference on how it goes on my thighs.

  11. Edie Ramer // January 8, 2009 at 4:54 PM  

    Sherry, you're doing great. I rediscovered dancing. I put on CDs that I like and dance to the songs, interspersing with core exercises and strength training.

    Since I love dancing, I'm enjoying it. It's not something I have to do.

  12. Beth Trissel // January 9, 2009 at 9:07 AM  

    Oh gosh, it's that fitness time again and once more I've been laid low by various flu-like illnesses and lost all my good intentions. And I was doing so well, before...

  13. Mary Marvella // January 9, 2009 at 11:35 PM  

    Liz, you are a bad influence. You're a hoot!