My romantic suspense novel has been out for just over a year. It's been a fun roller coaster ride. I've had several book signings, attended several writer's conferences as a published author and had the pleasure of holding my published book in my hands! What a thrill.
Here's the buy link in case you missed it:
My publisher even made a trailer for my book! Here is the link:
I've had many wonderful reviews on both Amazon and Goodreads. But what now?
Well, I've been busy writing my next book. I've also published two short stories in Anthologies. The latest one is a Halloween anthology with nine stories by really amazing authors. Find it here:
Now I am working on a new suspense novel with a hero that is a computer geek turned FBI agent on loan to the JTTF and a special education teacher who is pulled into his covert op when one of her students runs away. This one is proving to be a challenge because the editor who requested it said, no paranormal! Oh dear, that makes it really hard for me.
What about you? What are you working on? What are you reading? What do you like to read?

I love to read almost any genre and try to keep up on the NYT bestsellers.
I just finished A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. It was recommended by our pastor. Although spiritual, the book is about changing your life story. A must-read!
I would love to have time to read something I'm not editing. I LOVE to edit, but editing is taking a LOT of time. The results put $$ in my pocket and make people happy. Oh, well!
I love all genres, can't think of anything that doesn't excite me more than reading a good book or finding a new author.