On October 8, I was awakened by a call from my new friend and neighbor Joy
I had asked Joy to call to
wake me for a rare spectacle, the Blood Moon.
In this lunar eclipse, the moon is a red-orange shade.
The color is caused by Rayleigh scattering of
sunlight through the Earth's atmosphere, refracted light from around Earth.
The first in four consecutive total lunar eclipses, a tetrad, occurred on
April 15, 2014.
The second was the Blood
Moon I saw on October 8, 2014.
It was
quite an experience, and I am very glad I climbed out of bed to witness the
The remaining two eclipses
will take place on April 4, 2015 and September 28, 2015.
This tetrad is one of eight during the 21st
century AD.
Last century (can you believe we can call the 20
th century “last
century”?), Mark Biltz predicted that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ would
occur in the fall of 2015.
The seven
years of the great tribulation were to begin in the fall of 2008.
He claimed that the next tetrad would
coincide with the Apocalypse. He was wrong, of course.
Joy let me borrow a book called Four Blood Moons by John Hagee.
In April, Hagee’s book was No. 4 on the The
New York Times Best Sellers list in the advice category.
Hagee does not preach that the Blood Moons
are a sign of the end times but stated in his sermons to his congregation at
Cornerstone Church that every prior tetrad of the last 500 years coincided with
events in Jewish and Israeli history that were originally tragic followed by
The proclamations that a "blood moon" serves as an omen of the
coming of Jesus is derived from the Book of Joel.
“The sun will turn into darkness, and the
moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the
Lord comes,” again mentioned during
Pentecost by St. Peter, as recorded in Acts.
The only other time I have been this interested in religious lore was when I
was researching my book about the angel Lucifer.
Originally titled I, Lucifer, and written in
first person from Lucifer’s point of view, it has since been rewritten and is
now titled Redemption.
It is currently
with a publisher and I have my fingers crossed that it will be accepted for
In my research, I found that the idea Lucifer is the devil comes from this
passage in Isaiah 14.12 (New American Standard Bible):
“How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of
the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the
nations!” As I understand it, this was said in a conversation
between the King of Mesopotamia and Lucifer, and there is some doubt, in this
version, whether the King speaks to Lucifer or Lucifer speaks to the King. Don't stone me here, but if Lucifer was speaking to the King, it gives rise to the question, is Lucifer the devil?
Happy Weekend Eve, Everyone!